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Chen received the 2021 MIT Technology Review TR35 Asia Pacific Award.

PostTime : 01.Dec.2022      View:

On October 28~29, 2021, at the World Science and Technology Youth Forum jointly held by Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City and MIT Technology Review, the new MIT Technology Review TR35 Asia Pacific list was announced, and Professor Chaoji Chen from Wuhan University was selected.

MIT Technology Review was founded at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1899 and has gradually become one of the world's most authoritative technology business media for more than 100 years. In order to encourage innovation and breakthroughs among young people in science and technology, MIT Technology Review has set up a list of "MIT TR35". " MIT TR35" is one of the world's authoritative young scientific and technological innovation talents. Since 1999, the " MIT TR35" select innovation leaders from cutting-edge science, emerging technologies and innovative applications around the world every year that have a far-reaching impact on the future development of science and technology, covering but not limited to biotechnology, energy materials, artificial intelligence, information technology, intelligent manufacturing and other emerging technology fields.

Pre:Congratulations to Dr. Chen and Dr. Yu for receiving multiple funding awards.

Next:Chen received the “2021 China's Rising Star of Science and Technology Outstanding Impact Award”